TB Training Roadmap-Persons with HIV/Infectious Disease Clinic
Organization: Global Tuberculosis Institute (GTBI)
Year: 2012
Description: This webinar explores issues around HIV screening in TB clinics, including barriers to provider-initiated HIV testing, successful strategies to improve screening rates, and interventions for strengthening TB-HIV collaborations.
Format: Webinar (48:48 minutes)
Organization:Heartland National TB Center
Year: 2012
Description: This online tutorial provides practical information that will help nurses, technicians, and laboratory staff obtain and process IGRA specimens consistent with the approved labeling of the tests to assure high quality control and avoid unnecessary treatment referrals. Continuing education credits are available.
Format: Webinar
Organization: Curry International Tuberculosis Center
Year: 2011
Description:This online course, which includes slides, audio narration, and interactive questions, provides information on how to screen, test, and treat human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-infected patients for latent tuberculosis infection (LTBI). TB and HIV experts from the Western Region wrote and presented the case-based lessons in this course.
Format: Online Course (85 minutes)
Organization: Region I Title X Family Planning Training Center
Year: 2010
Description: This is a short (approximately 30 minute) video that combines real stories from providers delivering rapid test results and clients learning their test results, as well as scripted vignettes that illustrate key points. It is designed so that it can be used both for individual study as well as in a group learning setting. There is also an accompanying 26-page discussion and resource guide.
Format: Video and Discussion Guide
Organization: Federatl Training Centers Collaborative (FTCC) Region 1
Year: 2013
Description: This covers knowledge about the new test and how it differs from previous generation tests in terms of a number of characteristics, including: how it detects HIV, test sensitivity, time it takes to run the test after sample collection, time it takes to detect HIV, ability to detect acute HIV. These gaps in knowledge can have implications for patient follow up and re-screening, thus creating potential gaps in performance.
Format: Online course
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