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Tuberculosis Education for School Nurses


The participation of school nurses in targeted tuberculosis (TB) testing and in treatment of TB disease and latent TB infection is a vital part of TB control. Therefore, education about tuberculosis and training in Mantoux tuberculin skin testing and administration of anti-TB treatment is important for school nurses. This will ensure that these nurses have the knowledge and skills to meet their role in TB control. This resource is designed to guide health departments and school nurse administrators who are responsible for educating school nurses about TB. It combines the use of self-directed instruction on training methods and the tools to provide this training, such as presentation slides and a pre-designed handbook for school nurses.

Personalized education and training of school nurses provided by knowledgeable personnel within their own school districts and health departments are the most effective methods of conveying information. This is due to school districts’ individualized schedules for skin testing and guidelines for provision of medications in school and follow-up of positive skin test results.

By administering anti-TB medications in school, school nurses have proven to be a great source of caregiver support to children with TB. These nurses have also been helpful to health departments and private physicians in following up on skin test results and/or administering skin tests if needed. Therefore, two types of training will be discussed:

  • One-to-one training of nurses who require training on Mantoux tuberculin skin testing and/or the fundamentals of TB for administration of medication to a child with TB infection or disease
  • Group TB education for nurses who are in areas of high TB prevalence

All of the materials needed for training school nurses are provided in this resource. However, a partnership between the local/state health department and school health personnel is key to effective training and for a dual perspective on essential aspects of TB care. The materials referred to include:

  • Teaching strategies based on tested principles of adult learning
  • Needs assessment and evaluation resources
  • Visual materials for lecture purposes
  • Additional educational resources

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