2025 Training Calendar

Web-based TB Grand Rounds

This regularly scheduled series highlights case presentations and lectures on a wide range of relevant topics in TB, including clinical, public health, laboratory and research perspectives. Healthcare professionals from the Northeastern region are encouraged to participate.

If you would like to be added to our listserv or for additional information, please contact Priscilla Moreira at pkm51@njms.rutgers.edu.

We are currently soliciting clinical cases for TB Grand Rounds. If you are interested in presenting, please contact Shwata Suresh Kumar at ss2980@njms.rutgers.edu.

Upcoming sessions for TB Grand Rounds (12-1 pm):


TB Expert Network: Unplugged!

This is a joint project among CDC’s four TB Centers of Excellence for Training, Education, and Medical Consultation (TB COEs) and CDC. The 2025 series will continue to promote physician, nurse, lab, academic, public health, and subspecialty medicine discussants in a round table, and focus more on discussion than formal didactic lectures. The dates for upcoming sessions are listed below.

Upcoming Sessions: