
Follow the usual procedures to evaluate TB suspects household contacts (adults and children aged 5 years or more):

  • Inquire about TB symptoms

  • Collect 1 or 2 sputum samples from all people with suspected TB

  • Use results of sputum examination, symptom review, and (if applicable) chest x-ray to determine whether the contact has TB disease and initiate TB treatment if needed

Examine all children aged less than 5 years of age identified as household contacts for chronic signs or symptoms suggestive of TB:
  • Prolonged cough or other respiratory symptoms
  • Fever for more than 14 days (after common causes such as malaria or pneumonia have been excluded
  • Abnormal chest x-ray (nodal enlargement)
  • Loss of weight or failure to gain weight (failure to thrive)

*Some countries may use TST and IGRA in contact investigations. Follow your national guidelines for use of these tests.
